Kinesiology Case Studies

Case Study 1

57-year old male struggling with constant leg and knee pain after any extensive walking or standing. History of shattering a calcaneus bone (heel) in his twenties and suffering severe foot pain for 10-15 years thereafter. Both knees are bowing outwards and weight is carried on the non-affected side. Limited movement in both right and left ankles and knees, and pain limits any involvement in sporting and recreational activities.

After a foot and ankle balance, movement considerably improved and weight distribution normalised. Pain significantly reduced. Improvement noted by following day.

After 2 more follow-ups within the next 2 months, in which knee and torso balances were performed separately, function was 90% normal and pain was absent.
I recommended he contact me if it recurred.

Case Study 2

86-year old female in constant shoulder pain due to osteoporosis and osteo-arthritis, coupled with the use of a walker in order to walk. Strain on the shoulders is constant and unremitting, and the physical conditions are unresponsive to treatment which is mainly alleviation of pain and inflammation.

I performed a shoulder balance and there was an immediate decrease in pain and an increase in muscle function. Subsequent to that I was informed that the patient’s fingers were more responsive to commands (she had been a pianist) and that she did not have pins and needles any more. This result was maintained for approximately one month.

Case Study 3

29-year old male patient with severe social disconnection and recurrent episodic depression, unable to focus on completing studies and moving on in life. Patient had recently gone through a severe break-up with a long-term girlfriend and lost direction in his life. Felt misunderstood and very resentful. Very low social skills and low empathy towards others he could not understand what was going wrong or “how was this happening?”

I did an initial balance on the patient working with self-worth as the main issue and started to deal with issues of past abuse at home. In the next follow-up balance we dealt with negative perceptions of himself within relationships and his concept of his own value as a person.

As we progressed from balance to balance the patient became aware that his anxiety in social situations amounted to social phobia and related it back to the home abuse situation and repeated incidences of bullying during his school years. We worked on giving him new understanding of his perceptions of himself within social situations and I started him on the road to acquiring information about emotional intelligence and being able to dispassionately stand back and assess interactions before reacting to them, rather than reacting impulsively from a position of fear as he had done previously. This also required him to reassess his present relationships and fortunately he decided to cut ties to the more negative people in his life, and allowed him to start forming new, more positive connections with others.

When I last saw this patient he was happy and productive and socially secure.